CAROLINE HEIDER: Fotografie als Motiv / Photography as Motif

Photography as Motif is a new publication by Caroline Heider, Ruth Horak, Lisa Rastl and Claudia Rohauer

published by Mark Penzinger Books

The publications presents an exemplary conjunction of the practice of taking photographs and artistic reflection. Three women artists whose careers each began with professional training in photography (Lisa Rastl and Claudia Rohrauer) or camera (Caroline Heider) reflect on their craft, their qualifications, their technical and theoretical expertise, and their work on the motif. In short: all the facets of image-generating media in the image.
Texts by Ruth Horak, Ulrike Matzer, Andreas Spiegl, and Franz Thalmair accompany this encounter and continue its story alongside the series of images shown.

(...)  Caroline Heider reflects on the mastery of the technical which is often attributed to the male sphere. This may have to do with the fact that the invention of machines and apparatuses took place at a time when the visibility of women had been relegated to the realms of the private and the family.

(c) Mark Penzinger Books