FABIAN SEIZ: Intérieur
A tribute to Erwin Hauer
Clubclub Vienna
Alliogasse 1
1150 Vienna
Open: 18.-19.6. 14-18h,
25.-26.6. 14-18h,
3.-4.7. 12-19h
and with appointment 0688.8106659
The Austrian-American sculptor Erwin Hauer was born in Vienna in 1926 and studied at the University of Applied Arts with Fritz Cremer and Hans Knesl.
As a student he began in 1950 to explore modular sculptures featuring infinite continuous surfaces and developed his first wall screens in Austria.
The INTÉRIEUR exhibition aims to draw attention to Erwin Hauer in Austria and provide information about his life and work. It brings together Hauer`s work and contemporary art positions relating directly or indirectly to it.
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